Friday, February 26, 2016

Child like faith!!!!!!

I want to write and tell you about a couple of very special people the Lord has placed in our life in the past two weeks.  During these past two weeks, it has been difficult to adjust to the heat and the change in culture.  At times I miss my friends, but I have found that my best friend that will never leave me is Jesus.  When I feel alone he is my comforter, when I feel sad he is my protector, when I am scared he is my fortress, when I feel week he is my rock, when I feel powerless he is my strength and when I have nowhere to hide he is my refuge and a my very help. I am in awe of the Lord, because when you feel all these things, (and I have definitely felt them more than once during this trip) he meets me right where I am and not a minute late.  The Lord uses other people to encourage me at just the right time.  First let me tell you about Chloe, Chloe is an amazing young girl, she is 8 years old, and she is the daughter of missionaries here in Nicaragua.  Chloe is very smart and actually is almost adult like in her thinking.  I went to Chloe’s parents’ house to meet Chloe’s new twin brothers (so cute and little).  While I was at the house of Chloe’s parents I talked with Chloe a lot.  Chloe and I took their cute little dog for a walk; while we were walking we started to talk about life.  Chloe told me that it is hard at times to be in another Country, to talk the Language and not know anyone here.  She said that at times it’s difficult just to say my name is Chloe (in Spanish).  I just about cried in this moment, I was feeling the same way and I am an adult.  Chloe and I talked about these difficult times in our lives, sweet young Chloe and I reminded each other that Jesus will help us through it all.  Yep it’s difficult, but there is nothing too big for our God.  I praise God for this amazing young girl who showed me how to keep trusting Jesus in every part of my life and in the life of little Chloe. Toward the end of our walk when we decided to pray together, this beautiful moment brought tears to my eyes, that the Lord would use a child to encourage me.  Don’t ever put anything past the Lord, he can do all things, and at times he may even use a child.  I am reminded to have faith more like a child.  Thank you Lord for answering prayers and never being late.


Another beautiful friend I have been blessed by is Cinthia.  Cinthia is our teacher for Spanish here in Nagarote.  She lived in the States for about 10 years and she can talk perfect English. Cinthia and I talk to each other every day, Cinthia has made Steve and I feel like family. The Lord has allowed me to be blessed by this friendship.  Sometimes when you are doing missions work for the Lord, it’s not always about feeling good and who you can bless.  Sometimes it’s just about trying to make it through that day and learn to lean on and trust in the one and only.  This was one of those days, I wasn’t expecting anything, but again the Lord knew exactly what I was going through and how I was feeling for the past couple of days.  Cinthia again was being used by the Lord and probably had no idea, she is a young woman who loves the Lord and who shows me what is means to be selfless.  She also shows us all the new things in the town each day, which help us to know where the stores are.  When I am sad she comes by to check on me and cheer me up, she is the kind of friend you search for your whole life.  I have been blessed here in Nicaragua with Cinthia.  There are so many moments I have been able to sit back and enjoy seeing the Lord work in ways I never have before.  Being in another country and having no one except my honey and I, has forced us in so many ways to pray, read and rely on the strength of the Lord and not on ourselves.  I see a lot of things here that make me sad, but there are a lot of things in the United States that make me sad too, if we would open our eyes and listen to the voice of God, we could be used in any place at any time in the world.  I will miss many of the people here in Nagarote, but I am so excited that the Lord has prepared a place for us all to meet again one day!!! The promise of the Lord is that he will return again for all of us who have accepted him as Lord and Savior.

I would ask you to please pray for the following people Steve and I have meet here in Nagarote

Please pray for Maria my neighbor friend as she wants to change her life but needs the Lord.

Please pray for Cinthia and her new language school

Please pray for Lesbi and Maria, my neighbors that we have been ministering too.

Please pray for sweet Dorita who comes to our house twice a week to talk to us, she lost her husband several years ago and her son who was 21 died last year.

Please continue to pray for a new generation in nagarote to change the old ways and become more like Jesus each and every day.


Thank you for allowing us to share what the Lord is doing here with Steve and I in nagarote Nicaragua.


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