Saturday, October 1, 2016


Crystal and I are missionaries to Latin America.  We have been in language school in Costa Rica for the past year.  We are currently in Nicaragua working with Pastor Francisco and the local Assembly of God church.  We have a marriage conference in the church at the end of February and are currently working with about 10 couples individually doing a 6 week marriage course. We are excited for the work the Lord has done already in Nagarote and what the Lord is going to do in the future.

Friday, March 4, 2016


Unfortunately I think I have Chikungunya.  What the heck is Chikungunya?  It’s virus caused by a mosquito bite and there is nothing you can do about it.  At first I thought I just had the flu and it would go away in a few days, but this is different, because the main problem is severe muscle and joint pain.  I am exhausted the whole day.  We get Wi-Fi from a cyber cafĂ© across the street, so we have Wi-Fi by our front door in the living area.  It’s sad but I have to rest in the bed to get up the energy to go in the living room to watch Netflix on my laptop on a rocking chair.  I had shingles when I was 20, it’s basically like that.  Crystal wants me to get bloodwork, but I’m being stubborn and do not want to get it.  Weather its Chikungunya, Dengue, or the flu, it’s the same treatment, rest and make sure you drink lots of fluids.

Ok, thank you for letting me complain, I feel much better.

Crystal and I are continuing to live our lives here.  We are getting to know more people and establish many life long lasting friendships.  Two of our friends from Florida left last Saturday after staying with us for a week. (Steve and Angela)  They have been doing short term mission trips in Nagarote for the last 10 years.  They sold their home in Florida to buy a Finca here.  They are building their house here poca a poca to retire here in 5 years and facilitate many mission trips to help the people of Nagarote.  It was a great time hanging out with them for the week and of refreshing our spirits.

The more time we spend here, the more our hearts go out to the people.  They are so lost.  It is so sad to see such a broken society.  In the US, I feel we have a strong vocal minority on fire for God.  Here, there is almost nothing.  Most men over the age of 50 have at least 2 families.  When I say most, I mean most.  I would say upwards of 75% of people I met, there father has at least 2 families.  As in the US, many of these people go to church and claim to be Christians.  There is no fear of God, whatsoever.  Many people do whatever they want for themselves and doing an act of kindness for someone else is out of the question.  The Lord has laid it heavy on our hearts to try somehow, one soul, one family, one church, that a life through the Holy Spirit is an incredible life, so much more than what they have now.

Even though we feel our Spanish has improved and we can speak with anyone.  We both know we need to go to school to get to the level we want to be at.  Next September we are going to try to go to language school in Costa Rica for 7 months.  Please pray, we can find a way to afford it.  After that, and with a lot of prayer to God of where to go, we are planning on going somewhere to tell the people of the love of Jesus Christ and of eternal salvation.

Kids performing in Central Park

Central Park

Daniel and the Lions Den

Good Friends

Shooting of a Music Video

Lava from Momotombo, sorry not very impressive

We adopted our neighbors 3 dogs

Great time at beach near Mirimar

This horse caused a huge traffic jam

Taking their pigs to the Farm to have special fun

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Holy Sprit

Most people in Nicaragua, U.S. and in North and South America know the story of Jesus.  Almost everyone knows Jesus died on the cross.  Many people know he died on the cross for our sins.  Many, know Jesus was resurrected 3 days later and is in heaven.

However I think most of the people do not know they have power Heaven, God, and Jesus available in their lives every day through the Holy Spirit.  Christians could do amazing things if we allow the power of Holy Spirit to actively lead us every day.


John 16: 7-8

7"But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you. 8"And He, when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment”

Friday, February 26, 2016

Child like faith!!!!!!

I want to write and tell you about a couple of very special people the Lord has placed in our life in the past two weeks.  During these past two weeks, it has been difficult to adjust to the heat and the change in culture.  At times I miss my friends, but I have found that my best friend that will never leave me is Jesus.  When I feel alone he is my comforter, when I feel sad he is my protector, when I am scared he is my fortress, when I feel week he is my rock, when I feel powerless he is my strength and when I have nowhere to hide he is my refuge and a my very help. I am in awe of the Lord, because when you feel all these things, (and I have definitely felt them more than once during this trip) he meets me right where I am and not a minute late.  The Lord uses other people to encourage me at just the right time.  First let me tell you about Chloe, Chloe is an amazing young girl, she is 8 years old, and she is the daughter of missionaries here in Nicaragua.  Chloe is very smart and actually is almost adult like in her thinking.  I went to Chloe’s parents’ house to meet Chloe’s new twin brothers (so cute and little).  While I was at the house of Chloe’s parents I talked with Chloe a lot.  Chloe and I took their cute little dog for a walk; while we were walking we started to talk about life.  Chloe told me that it is hard at times to be in another Country, to talk the Language and not know anyone here.  She said that at times it’s difficult just to say my name is Chloe (in Spanish).  I just about cried in this moment, I was feeling the same way and I am an adult.  Chloe and I talked about these difficult times in our lives, sweet young Chloe and I reminded each other that Jesus will help us through it all.  Yep it’s difficult, but there is nothing too big for our God.  I praise God for this amazing young girl who showed me how to keep trusting Jesus in every part of my life and in the life of little Chloe. Toward the end of our walk when we decided to pray together, this beautiful moment brought tears to my eyes, that the Lord would use a child to encourage me.  Don’t ever put anything past the Lord, he can do all things, and at times he may even use a child.  I am reminded to have faith more like a child.  Thank you Lord for answering prayers and never being late.


Another beautiful friend I have been blessed by is Cinthia.  Cinthia is our teacher for Spanish here in Nagarote.  She lived in the States for about 10 years and she can talk perfect English. Cinthia and I talk to each other every day, Cinthia has made Steve and I feel like family. The Lord has allowed me to be blessed by this friendship.  Sometimes when you are doing missions work for the Lord, it’s not always about feeling good and who you can bless.  Sometimes it’s just about trying to make it through that day and learn to lean on and trust in the one and only.  This was one of those days, I wasn’t expecting anything, but again the Lord knew exactly what I was going through and how I was feeling for the past couple of days.  Cinthia again was being used by the Lord and probably had no idea, she is a young woman who loves the Lord and who shows me what is means to be selfless.  She also shows us all the new things in the town each day, which help us to know where the stores are.  When I am sad she comes by to check on me and cheer me up, she is the kind of friend you search for your whole life.  I have been blessed here in Nicaragua with Cinthia.  There are so many moments I have been able to sit back and enjoy seeing the Lord work in ways I never have before.  Being in another country and having no one except my honey and I, has forced us in so many ways to pray, read and rely on the strength of the Lord and not on ourselves.  I see a lot of things here that make me sad, but there are a lot of things in the United States that make me sad too, if we would open our eyes and listen to the voice of God, we could be used in any place at any time in the world.  I will miss many of the people here in Nagarote, but I am so excited that the Lord has prepared a place for us all to meet again one day!!! The promise of the Lord is that he will return again for all of us who have accepted him as Lord and Savior.

I would ask you to please pray for the following people Steve and I have meet here in Nagarote

Please pray for Maria my neighbor friend as she wants to change her life but needs the Lord.

Please pray for Cinthia and her new language school

Please pray for Lesbi and Maria, my neighbors that we have been ministering too.

Please pray for sweet Dorita who comes to our house twice a week to talk to us, she lost her husband several years ago and her son who was 21 died last year.

Please continue to pray for a new generation in nagarote to change the old ways and become more like Jesus each and every day.


Thank you for allowing us to share what the Lord is doing here with Steve and I in nagarote Nicaragua.


Saturday, February 20, 2016

Life is Starting to Feel Normal

Life is Starting to Feel Normal

Not sure when it happened, but life here in Nagarote seems more normal.  This is starting to be the normal and life in New York is different.  Kind of like in Narnia, when they saw the light post, and it reminded them of a dream far far away.  Not really, but you get my point.


4 days a week from 9 to 11 we have Spanish lessons with our teacher Cynthia at the Bilingual Academia.  We ride our bikes everywhere since this is our means of transportation.  The school we attend is a school for students to learn English, in Nicaragua if you know English hopefully you can get a better job.  After class we do a little shopping at the local market, (Pali) or around town. It is always an adventure and kind of is like city living. Everything is close to us.


We find it amusing, that time has a different meaning.  If we say 5 for dinner, literary it could mean 7 or 8.  Nothing ever starts on time.  Nothing.  If you simply adjust your clock in your head, you get used to it.  There is not a whole lot of rushing here.


We signed up at Claro (similar to Verizon) for internet service for our house about 3 weeks ago.  We have no idea when they’ll show up.  We buy data for our modem to at least be able to use the laptop.  However, everytime we go to Claro, it takes about 2 hours, but at least they have air conditioning(prob the only place in all of Nagarote that does).  Just need to get used to the pace here.  It is definitely hard to get used to life without constant wi-fi.  It’s a change not to be able to listen to music, tv or talk to our kids whenever we want.


We have become really good friends with a family down the street who has a business making backpacks, and school uniforms.  We hang out with them alot, eat dinner together, pass time and get ice cream.  They are Christians, love the Lord and we have really clicked with them.  They probably also have been the biggest help in learning Spanish, since they know no English and we only speak in Spanish. There names are Alejandro and Elizabeth.


Milo and Raquel have been away for 10 days in Costa Rica to be with their home church and Milos brother’s wedding when we first arrived here. We did 3 kids services by ourselves. One lesson on Jonah and the Big Fish, and 2 lessons on Joseph and the coat of many colors.  All the crafts from Eastport Bible Church and Shirley Assembly of God were a huge help and all the kids love doing the projects.  We are getting to know a number of the kids better and their personalities.  It is now our routine to do the children’s class every Saturday and feel we are getting more comfortable doing it.


I play basketball once or twice a week at the local basketball court.  Guys usually meet around 4 or 4:30 everyday to play pickup basketball.   It is great exercise to play basketball in 90 degree heat. The level of basketball is surprisingly good.  We usually play to about 6 when it gets dark.  It’s usually about 15 guys that show up, and the same as home, the winner stays on.  We play zone instead of man to man, a little different.  I usually play center in the middle since I’m the big guy.  I have to admit I like being considered tall.  However, they play like little babies and call fouls constantly.  They smoke pot on the sidelines when not playing and are always arguing.  Since I’m the older one there, there all 20 year olds, I seem to get along with everyone. 

I was asked to join the basketball league and our first game is on Sunday, with refs and I got a uniform with my name on it.    I get to march in the parade to start the league; I’m the first Gringo to every play on it.

We have met many of our neighbors and have been able to get to know them.  So many people have made such a big impact on our lives.  They think we are a blessing to them, but they have no idea what a blessing they are to us. 


However it is much more difficult to be here than we both realized.  I think I had preconceived notions of the culture here. (Food, family, religion, personality, etc.)  Much of it from TV, mistakenly thinking all of Latin America is similar to Mexico, or from people that are from Latin America, but are American.  It seems the culture is completely opposite to what we expected.  I’m not saying it’s bad but we just had different expectations.


The other difficult part is at times we feel lonely and isolated.  We have our Spanish classes in the morning to help us get out of the house, but during the afternoon 12 to 4 the heat is oppressive and we have trouble doing anything. 

The other main difficulty is at home we are involved in our church and our social structure is based through church.    When church has been such a big part of our both our lives for the past 40 years, it’s hard and we miss it a lot.

Continue to pray for us, that even though I feel we are improving at learning Spanish, it can be very intimidating and tiring.  At times, it is a little lonely, that we can’t have truly deep relationships until we learn the language better. 


During this time here I have truly learn what it means to trust in the Lord for everything.  It has shown me the importance of the Holy Spirit working through my life on a daily basis.  Jesus has become so much more to me than simply a story in the bible that happened 2000 years ago.  Jesus is alive; He gave us the incredible gift of the Holy Spirit to do incredible things in our lives and in the lives of other people.

Even though this experience is so much more difficult than anticipated, I am so much more excited to do amazing things for Jesus through the work of the Holy Spirit.








Thursday, February 11, 2016

Praise You Lord, You are never Late

Never one minute late or one minute early, Our Lord always answers on Time!!!!!


Steve and I had a great day today, we spent time studying Spanish and doing our devotions.  We do not have internet here in our home, so Milo and Raquel have been sweet enough to allow us to spend time in their home to watch movies or facetime our family.  It is nice for the mind to rest and not try to think in Spanish.  We have found a few shows we really like on Netflix and this has been a blessing to watch TV once or twice a week.  I am finally adjusting to the culture, I love the people, but most of all I love that in every situation we find ourselves in, we pray together.  It doesn’t matter where we are or what we are doing, we see the importance of finding Jesus in every part of our life.  My devotion today was in Hebrews 10:16-18 and 22&23.  While reading this, I found myself being thankful that he chose me, a sinner.  His word says that he has forgiven all my sin and that he does not remember them anymore.  I love this for so many reasons, 1. I remember things at times, he remembers none of it. 2. I can’t forgive myself at times and he forgives me all the time.   Praise God for bringing us here; Praise him for never leaving me, or forsaking me.  I am so honored that he has a great reward for us at the end of this life in Christ Jesus.  He is never late, he is never early and his timing is so perfect.  Sometimes we want things now, but the Lord knows the exact time that is perfect for us.  This same night Steve and I left Milo and Raquel’s to bike ride home, this time we went a different way (Gods Time is amazing).  We came to our home from the other side of town, and a little down the road was my friend that I say hi to each day.  Her name is Maria, I have invited Maria to church and for some reason we just like each other.  I don’t fully speak the Spanish language, but the language of Jesus is always evident in a person’s life.   Maria would smile and I would smile back, we knew that we were always thinking of each other.  I know she is busy as she has two children and a business, but I don’t know her personal life.  On the street, in that very moment Maria saw me and she ran up to me and started to cry, tears we flowing down her face, I had the best medicine in that moment I had the power of Prayer.  I started to pray for her in Spanish, pray that the Holy Spirit would comfort her, and pray that whatever she was going through only Jesus could heal.  Maria told me that she was broken and that she wants to come back to the first love of Jesus.  She told me that for a year now she hasn’t been to church.  One minute more, or the same route Steve and I normally take and we would have missed it we would have missed Maria.  I didn’t get to stay and talk to her late because she had to go, I did pray that whole night for my sweet friend.  The next morning was our normal routine of school for two hours, but I know that the Lord had a different plan.  Cinthia, our beautiful teacher we have talked about before texted me and asked me if we could have class earlier or if we would want her to come to our house this time.  I said yes, this would mean longer in my PJ’s and less time riding my bike in the hot sun all the way to class.  Timing my friends in everything, Cinthia came to our house at same moment she arrived, Maria also arrived.  Cinthia and Maria did not know each other at the time.   Cinthia is so smart so she knows fluent English as well, (wow Lord not a moment late, not a moment early) Cinthia didn’t know it at the time. But she was being obedient to the Lord as well.  She is a Christian and I am so excited to see her being used.  This was another amazing moment, Cinthia and I talked to Maria, she cried a lot and we together were able to comfort Maria and find out exactly what was going on.  One thing I want to say, the Lord will never forget you, He has always loved you and he always will.  Maria and Cinthia are coming over tonight to pray together and talk about forgiveness and we will also be spending time in the word of God.  Thank you Lord for using a sinner such as me, Thank you that when I asked you to forgive my sins, you cast them as far as the east is from the West, NEVER TO BE REMEMBERED AGAIN..  I know that when we press on, even when we are tired and want to give up, this is probably the moment when the Lord is going to turn things around.. Fight the good fight; don’t give up encouraging one another in Christ.  Don’t give up meeting together to encourage each other.  The Lord is coming back soon for a church without spot or wrinkle.  Be found in him, and seek the timing of the Lord and not the timing of yourself.  This result will be perfect as you wait upon our soon coming King.
I make this chocolate chip, banana cake almost everyday for my friends

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Rough Days, but Praise God for His Mercies

Rough days but Praise God for his mercies!!!!!!


This is about the 3rd week here.  I want to explain to you a little about what we are going through being away from the comforts of our home and our country.  We are writing this to hopefully encourage you in your walk with the Lord.  We both understand and know what it takes to follow the path laid out before us.  We want you to know that without Faith, Hope and Love for others we cannot accomplish the task set before us.  It has been a small journey for us here, but one that has impacted our life forever culturally and spiritually.  It seems it is during the hard times we draw closer to the Lord, and we realize that he is all we need in every moment of our life.  I want to first share with you that yes, the Lord has opened up many doors for us to come here to Nicaragua and serve the the people and the heart of missions.  First Steve and I have not stopped praying for this time of our life, we knew it would be difficult at times but we took this leap of faith (for the sake of the call).

I want to share all of what we have gone through, not just the things that seem happy all the time.  Real life means that at times we will go through struggles and heart aches.  One thing that I have learned is that when you feel the loneliness and emptiness, Jesus is always waiting right there with comfort and word of encouragement, found in the word of God.  This particular day started on a Saturday, I woke up just feeling sad and alone.  I tried to say I can do this and I know that you oh Lord are my shield and a strong tower, but my emotions definitely got the best of me this day.  It was 95 this Saturday and I already was feeling hot and agitated, this combination makes for a disaster of a person. (Poor Steve)  We had about 6 kids at the house from around 3-6, I knew if I didn’t spend time in the Lord more than normal I would maybe crawl in my bed and not come out all day.  So I prayed and asked the Lord for supernatural help.  I felt a bit on edge but trying to remember that I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.  Well the kids came and we got through that day, it blessed them and we were able to share our time and our home with them.  When they left I went back into my bedroom and I cried for 2 hours.  I was feeling sad, alone and like I had no one expect my honey, but Steve was just trying to deal with the heat and adjustment of the culture.  One thing I have learned, the life of a missionary who goes out of the country is not an easy life.  It is an adjustment from your normal life totally and completely.  The food isn’t bad at all here, but it is different than the states, I love my Italian meals and Chinese food. Lol

The culture isn’t bad either, but it also is an adjustment, we don’t fully speak the language and on most days only understand about 60-70% percent of what a person is saying to us.  We do not have the amenities of home, a washing machine, dishwasher, hot water or beautiful colors everywhere for my eyes to enjoy.  It is moments like this where you either cry every day or stay in your bedroom, or you get up and press on as the bible says.  I will bring you to Sunday as Praise God Saturday is over.  Sunday again was just a rough day, I woke up saying I can do this, I prayed and cried so much I was wet from crying, not from sweating, I read my bible, I did everything a person can do to push past my feelings and emotions. I decided again to come out of the room and try to face the day set before me; I finally came out around 12 to tell Steve that I can’t do it. I am tired, my body hurts, its hot here and I don’t know this place or the language and culture and I miss my kids terribly.  I told Steve I was going back in the bedroom and that I was going to pray until there was a breakthrough.  I am telling you that pray is the strength that the Holy Spirit gives you when all else around you looks dark, when your situation around is saying give up, when your heart and flesh fail you, but the word of God and the power of prayer will never fail you.  I went in my room; I cried and cried out to the Lord.  Oh Lord, help me to look beyond myself and my feelings, please bring me to that place where you wrap me in your arms and I learn to accept all that you have for me.  I read my bible and listened to Patricia Shier; I prayed more and listened to Christian music for 3 hours.  My most precious friend always says to me Praise and be raised, complain and remain.  Well I know me and at times I can complain about what color the sky is today.  So I need to be aware about complaining in my life as we all should.  Entering the throne room of love, comfort and grace can happen anywhere you are seeking for comfort from the only one who can truly comfort us. Jesus Christ, the great I am, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.  I love that he has gone before me, that he has paved the way for me.  I love that he is never too busy for me, that I don’t have to wait for his presence or mercy because they are right there for me at all times, all I have to do is cry out.  I want you to know that around 4 o’clock in the late afternoon I opened the door to go out of that bedroom, the glory of the Lord was all around me.  You could see the countenance of the never ending mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ on my face.  I felt his presence and his comfort in that moment, a lot of times we must push through, giving up is not an option no matter you feel  or what the situation around you looks like.  I was once told about a submarine and how the deeper the submarine goes the greater must be its resistance to pressure,  Gods spirit pressurizes the chambers of our heart, so the deeper we go in him, the more we must seek him for our hearts to be pressurized perfectly, for the depth we are about to face.  I love this country, I love Gods people, I love this life I have been given.  I cannot thank the Lord enough for moments like this, that teach me more not to rely on myself or the situations around and that I must look to trust and obey, because to be honest there is no other way, to be Happy in this life than to trust the Lord completely and not lean upon your feelings or understanding.  It is all about faith, hope and the love of our Father in Heaven.  Thank you for allowing us to share, thank you for following us and praying for us.  In this moment things are great, we see the Lord working in our life and in the Life’s of those we come in contact with every day.  Oh yeah, one more thing, the Lord is giving me a glimpse of home, Kristine will be coming here to visit in just 20 short days.  We love you all and we are honored to be serving the Lord in the country of Nicaragua.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Random Pictures - Nagarote, Nicaragua - Febuary 5th 2016

Food For Torreto, the dog were watching

Torreto's bed

Children' Church

Playing Games at Children's Church

Playing Games at Children's Church

A couple of kids from Youth Group always help us

Little Girls always wear cute dresses

Craft Time

Bixie, You can grab a bixie to go around the city anytime of day.
Only 7 Cordabas per person. 25 cents

Central Park

Eating Tortillas all the Time!!

Acedmia BiLingual

Cynthia, our Spanish Teacher
Mombotombo is always smoking




